We’ve Seen It All

We’ve Seen It All

We’ve Seen It All

This is content marketing.

You know what isn’t? What can actually be anti-marketing?

Let’s talk about your Facebook page. At 3rdThird, we’ve seen some accidentally appalling things crop up on social media, like photos of memory-care patients alongside a campaign for active lifestyle move-ins, and 1-star reviews about lack of customer service, without any follow up. Even when targeting a demographic that uses social media less than the under-50 crowd, presenting your community in a fresh, fun and professional way online goes a long way.

Even if your organization is stretched thin for time and social media is on the back burner, there are some things you can still do to manage your online presence:

  • Assign one person who can dedicate 30 minutes a week to check on social media and address any negative comments.
  • If you already have someone who works on social media, but the content doesn’t match your brand voice, make sure that person has a brand guidelines document — even if it’s an informal one-pager with basic do’s and don’t’s.


Events. We are not making this up.

We’ve had to explain to clients that hosting an event to “plan for the future” by browsing luxury coffins isn’t going to give customers the peace of mind they think it might.

Aside from the fact that, hey, it’s a little tacky to target older demographics with an overt marketing “event” like this one, no one wants to be told that they should be looking ahead to their final resting place. Let’s look forward to the time we have left with our friends and family here – let’s look forward to… a fun-focused event that highlights all your community has to offer.

To keep your events exciting and on brand, we recommend:

  • Building events around a theme. For a Spring Open House, go the extra mile with seasonal food and drinks, dress the part, and invite a gardening expert! Not only will prospective clients learn that you’re creative and attentive to detail, but they’ll see that you know enjoy and take pride in your work, and know how to have a good time.
  • At 3rdThird, we love finding interesting new partnerships to cohost events. Another company or organization gets a boost from exposure to your clients, and you get a free or discounted activity that attracts the active and fun-loving.


Traditional Advertising and Collateral. Rarely is anyone totally sure of their decision to dial your number or type in your url when they first hear about your organization — and your presence in print can make the difference between a move-in and a move-on. On average, people need to be exposed to your message 7 different times before they’ll take action — which is why it’s so essential to evaluate everything you put out there, from print advertisements to collateral. Make sure you’re presenting a clear, consistent, and targeted message. If your brochures are from the dark ages, (if they only feature the white-haired and wheel-chaired), you might have a tough time bringing in active lifestyle clients.

Creating and maintaining a brand that attracts your best, most qualified leads in the older adult sector is a complex job — and not something we can chat through in one post. So we’re simply starting a conversation. On our blog, we’re going to examine current issues that relate to the 55+ marketplace through the lens of our diverse and abundant experience in the industry and our own lives.

We’re here to serve you, so be sure to let us know how we can be valuable and relevant in your life! What stories interest you? What would you like to see us focus on? How about an issue or difficulty you’re facing in your own marketing department?

Stay brilliant,
Team 3rdThird

Please call us at 888-776-5135, email ideas@3rd3rd.com or schedule a quick meeting below. We are excited to work with you!

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Schedule a 30-minute meeting with us or call 888-776-5135 to learn more. We look forward to working with you!