Fundraising During Covid-19

Fundraising during Covid-19

Fundraising During Covid-19

Most nonprofit senior living communities are continuously fundraising, but now is an excellent time to give your fundraising a much-needed boost. And nothing special is required. Just tell your positive stories and demonstrate how your services are making a tangible difference in people’s lives. And don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Rather than simply using email, add more channels to your fundraising mix such as paid social media, which can reach the friends and family members of your audience base, and colorful direct mail. Be creative and upbeat about how you are supporting not only your residents through this, but also your frontline staff.

Your frontline workers are enduring hardships of their own and could use your support. Some senior living communities have created special funds for helping their staff make ends meet. Finally, don’t shy away from talking about your urgent needs or unfunded expenses such as the need for personal protective equipment that nobody could have budgeted for.

More than anything though, focus on telling your community’s good-news stories about how you are confidently taking on the Covid-19 challenge and successfully providing lifestyle and health services to keep your residents happy and safe. This messaging supports your overall reputation and occupancy. Good word-of-mouth stories will be shared, forwarded and reposted to the adult children and friends of your residents. And they are your future prospects. So it’s a win-win: fundraising and occupancy!

Stay brilliant!

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