LeadingAge Workforce

About This Project


The aging services industry is facing a considerable work force shortage. There is a lack of general awareness about LeadingAge Washington communities and also a misconception that “not-for-profit” means no money.


LeadingAge Washington’s workforce task team commissioned 3rdThird Marketing to develop a recruiting video to help build awareness about all of the benefits of working for a LeadingAge member community. Use the video in social media campaigns and have the members use the video in their recruiting efforts as well. Members have the ability to purchase a custom video for their community as well.

Personalize Your Video!

3rdThird Marketing is offering a special rate to LeadingAge members. A professional video team will come to your community and videotape its best parts. They’ll also interview two people from your organization. A good suggestion would be to film a happy staff member and perhaps a leader of your organization talking about how great it is to work there. Once this is completed, your personalized video will be added to the LeadingAge Workforce video to highlight your community’s strengths and job opportunities. The special rate is based on LeadingAge members signing up by August 31, 2018. The 3rdThird producer will contact you to schedule your shoot and coordinate with other communities in your area who have signed on (which cuts travel time).

Customized Workforce Video

WHAT’S INCLUDED: A half-day video shoot that includes footage of the most attractive parts of your community and interview(s) with two people. Services include a professional videographer, editor, producer, three rounds of approval and the final video delivered and, if desired, uploaded to YouTube.

COST: $5,000*

*Plus Travel Expenses: Our mileage and, if required, hotel expenses will be estimated for approval. If your community is more than 35 miles from our Seattle office, your shoot may be coordinated and batched with other communities in your area. Our travel expenses will then be divided among the communities.

Please call us at 888-776-5135, email ideas@3rd3rd.com or schedule a quick meeting below. We are excited to work with you!

Schedule a Meeting.

Schedule a 30-minute meeting with us or call 888-776-5135 to learn more. We look forward to working with you!